021: I wish I knew this… when taking over my first team, with Jordan Mendoza.

Jordan Mendoza is the host of the Blaze Your Own Trail Podcast. As a sales and training professional, Jordan helps people discover their Myers-Briggs 4 letter type, taking them from self-awareness to coming up with their personal Leadership philosophy. In this episode, Jordan and I discuss the Myers-Briggs assessment, how it has impacted his leadership style, and how he teaches leadership through the lens of the MBTI assessment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Myers-Briggs (MBTI) is one of the most widely used personality assessments in the world
  • Firstly, you, we, are all way more than just a type. We are humans first
  • MBTI has 4 preference pairs that are opposites of each other:
  • Extroversion/Introversion – we get our energy from the world (internally or externally)
  • Sensing/Intuition – how we take in information
  • Thinking/Feeling – how we decide and come to conclusions
  • Judging/Perceiving – opposite ways we approach the world (and not people)
  • We may be a version of each of these pairs and their opposites, but we don’t do them with equal ease

Leadership Resources

About the host, Rob Fonte

Rob Fonte is the founder and President of Sarto Leadership Group, whose reputation has been built on being a transformational leader and inspirational coach with a passion for developing others. His twenty-year career spans across multiple disciplines including leading award-winning sales teams. Rob is an academically trained Executive Coach certified by The University of Texas and the International Coach Federation.