072: Best Practices for Team Meetings

In this episode, I am in the middle of a Leaders Jam Session – a monthly group jam session that I host where participants get to share and learn from one another on how to tackle daily leadership challenges. Here, we’re talking about best practices for how to plan and run a successful team meeting, whether it’s a one or multi-day meeting.
Key Takeaways
- Today, there’s even greater value in bringing everyone together
- Set Goals and Objectives, for example, 1) build team bonds, 2) learn from each other, and 3) have fun
- Get feedback on your agenda from your team, including your boss
- Include just the right amount of content for the length of your meeting. Trying to cram too much into your meeting will make you run over on time, potentially wear people out, and have an opposite effect on what you’re trying to accomplish
- Guests – consider having them, but keep in mind, will the guest fit into the overall meeting objectives, or will this idea be disruptive
- Team building activities – you want to have them, but you also need to know when to push back on ideas that your experience says ‘maybe we shouldn’t do this’
HBR article: Off-sites that work. https://hbr.org/2006/06/off-sites-that-work