044:How to Build and Maintain Your Team’s Trust in a Virtual Environment

By Rob Fonte | 08/03/2021 |

Virtual environments have practically become the new workspace for a significant part of the worldwide workforce. As a leader, building and maintaining your team’s trust in such strange times can be challenging to get right.

Perhaps your team doesn’t get along too well virtually, or the strategies you have adopted to build this trust haven’t worked at all. What can you do then?

Fortunately, there are indeed some tools and actions that can help you boost your team’s sense of unity and camaraderie during those long Zoom calls.

In today’s episode of the Leadership Jam Session Podcast, we’ll welcome a panel of leaders who are participants in a new program I recently launched called the Coach’s Jam Session to discuss how to build and maintain trust with your team in a virtual environment.

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043: How to Guide Teams Through Times of Change with Fred Rapp

By Rob Fonte | 07/27/2021 |

Regardless of the industry you come from, leading teams through a restructuring or a merger acquisition while keeping them focused can be daunting. Problems such as a lack of communication among the team or a shared frustration over a slow transitional process can quickly arise. The difference between success and failure will depend significantly on…

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042: When to Have the ‘Come to Jesus’ Meeting With Your Employee

By Rob Fonte | 07/20/2021 |

What happens when you’ve had multiple coaching discussions with your employee, and you haven’t seen any progress made against the expectations that you previously set for them?  These situations are never easy, but the best way to deal with them is to have a particular and direct conversation with your employee. In business, we call…

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041: How to Manage a Promotion When It’s Too Soon

By Rob Fonte | 07/13/2021 |

Imagine the following: you have an employee looking to get promoted, but your manager or other decision-makers don’t think they are ready. What is the best way to deal with this challenging scenario? Like in most tricky situations in life, the key lies in effective communication. It takes coordinated effort and honest conversation to determine…

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5 Skills for Leading Through Uncertainty

By Rob Fonte | 08/30/2020 | Comments Off on 5 Skills for Leading Through Uncertainty

“It’s easy to lead when things are going well.” We’ve all heard the saying, and I think we can all agree that true leaders emerge during times of uncertainty. Have times ever been more uncertain than 2020? This is not to say this it’s easy for these leaders, but there are a few commonly demonstrated…

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A guide to leading teams and facilitating in virtual platforms

By Rob Fonte | 05/31/2020 | Comments Off on A guide to leading teams and facilitating in virtual platforms

As we find ourselves having to do more meetings such as training workshops, brainstorming sessions, etc., using virtual platforms such as Zoom and AdobeConnect, it’s important to understand how to optimally use these platforms for participant engagement if you want to get the results you’d expect from a live meeting. It’s certainly not easy if…

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How to lead teams remotely. A free webinar.

By Rob Fonte | 05/31/2020 | Comments Off on How to lead teams remotely. A free webinar.

It’s May 2020, and several weeks since we’ve all had to make the transition to being fully remote due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and while some companies are preparing to bring their teams back to the home office, I believe we are still a long way from things returning to back to normal. We will…

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The thought of having to give feedback makes me feel…

By Rob Fonte | 10/16/2019 |

Whenever I’m working with managers during a workshop on how to coach and give feedback, I’ll throw out the following question for them to answer… “The thought of having to give feedback makes me feel…?” The majority will say, “It makes me feel anxious or it gives me anxiety.” But there’s always one or two…

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Hoping is not coaching!

By Rob Fonte | 10/15/2019 | Comments Off on Hoping is not coaching!

I’d like to share some advice for my newer leaders when it comes to coaching employees who demonstrates some undesirable behaviors. Most new managers struggle with the thought having to give some tough feedback. Especially early on in the relationship-building process where you’re trying to build trust. Your gut is telling you that you should…

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